POWDER MANUFACTURERFresh and delicious

Free-Flowing, Soluble, Stable Powders Packaged in a Variety of Ways.


We offer many options when it comes to powders. Have capability to provide powders in bulk blends, pre-blends, sealed ready to sell bags, stick packets and plastic containers.

Once your supplement formula is determined, we can start making flavor and sweetener selections. These additives come in natural and artificial varieties. Ingredient freshness and consistency are critical to your powder supplement’s success. Repeat customers can taste the difference between fresh and stale. Powders are traditionally sold in jars/bottles but can also be packaged in gusset bags of all sizes or in single dose packets for portability and convenience. Our graphic artists can help you design labels and product packaging for your next powder supplement.


To manufacture an outstanding powder supplement, we source exceptionally first quality raw materials and make nutritionally superior supplement facts. We can make flavor and sweetener selections for your formula.

  • Nutritional Shake Combinations
  • Protein Powders
  • Electrolyte Drink Mix
  • Green Food Powders
  • Red Berry Powders
  • Multi Vitamin & Mineral Blends
  • Pre-Workout Powders

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Biowell Laboratory

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